This School was commissioned by the Lord to prepare a Global Army of Intercessors who will pray for the Caribbean Nations & build up the hedge.
We offer the best in quality training from anointed men and women of God. The School teaches persons to pray effectively with true power to dismantle the forces of darkness over Nations.
This is the only School of its kind in the Caribbean that is covered by our local Apostolic Leaders & covered by Rabbi Daniel J. Vargas & the World Prayer Towers, USA.
These Schools of Intercession have been held in Trinidad & Tobago, the Caribbean, Hawaii USA, Panama & Costa Rica of Central America.

All students that graduate from our School become a partner of our Apostolic & Prophetic Network of Intercessors and become part of our international travelling team for the Caribbean Nations. They are also given the opportunity to volunteer at our Annual International Prayer Summits where they meet and network with a number of our local and international prayer partners.
Register Today, Click Here

*Israel *USA * Costa Rica * Panama * Trinidad & Tobago *Haiti *Turkey
*New Zealand *Micronesia *Philippines *Uganda *Hong Kong
“And I will give unto thee the KEYS of the kingdom of HeaveBn: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:19