"I will stand on my watch, and set me on the Tower, and will watch to see what the Lord will say to me...." Habakkuk 2:1 


Our Apostolic & Prophetic Network of Intercessors is a National Alliance of Churches, Pastors, Prophets, Intercessors & Stakeholders who have a heart for the Nation. We stand in the gap to make up the hedge around Trinidad & Tobago through fervent intercessory prayer. 



Trinidad & Tobago's Motto

Together We Aspire, Together We Achieve

Our Prime Minister -  Honorable Dr Keith Rowley

 Our President - Her Excellency Paula-Mae Weekes

"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way" 1 Timothy 2:1-2


The Importance of Corporate Prayer 


"If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray,  and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" 2 Chronicles 7:14


Apostle Anna hosting meetings at City Hall, Port of Spain regarding City Transformation 


Quarterly Mayor's Prayer Held at Various Regional Corporations

We have been hosting Corporate Prayer for our Nation for over ten years, in our public promenades, local football fields, city squares, schools, Churches & City Halls. We have daily prayer being made for our Prime Minister and Government, Mayors, Aldermen, Councillors, Protective Services, Judicial Systems, Courts, Health Care Facilities, Education Systems,Local Markets, Fishermen, Local Businesses, Vessels & Ports, Churches, Religious Groups and families of Trinidad & Tobago.

We have been awarded for Nation Building in 2012 by the Trinidad & Tobago Council of Evangelical Churches (TTCEC)  and the Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowship, and continue to seek the peace & prosperity of our Nation.


We are Praying For Trinidad & Tobago


Local Fishermen


We believe in the power of prayer, and we believe even more in the power of corporate prayer. We stand strong and armored in our position on the walls of Trinidad & Tobago in unity with our fellow laborers, praying for those who add to our Nation's food sustainability, national security, healthcare systems, protective forces, legal authorities that will improve our Nation's growth & development. 

"Righteous exalts a Nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people" Proverbs 14:34

We Are Praying For Trinidad & Tobago

Local Primary School


“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it.....” Ezekiel 22:30


We Are Praying For Trinidad & Tobago

Local Police Officers With Rabbi Daniel J Vargas


"And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare." Jeremiah 29:7






?Annice Mundy: Serving the community for 40 years. The extension of Water Project in the community which every home has to date

?Ann Marie Bernard~ Spearheaded the Construction of the Concrete Staircase in community. Serving for past 10 years.

?JoAnn Peters: Serving in her community for 27 years. Assisting individuals through job placement, accessing social services and organising fund raising event on their behalf

?Special thanks to the President of the Morvant Community Council for the MISIR Community Center and all support extended.





HONORING GOD & Celebrating People? CAP-DE-VILLE HOUSE OF PRAYER HEROE AWARDS?CONGRATULATIONS to our Local Community Heroes! Happy 57th Independence T&T????

?CARLTON CATO- Serving in the Education Mountain 50+ years, Former Principal of CAP-DE-VILLE Primary School, Pt Fortin,Trinidad

?JANICE JOSEPH~ Serving 38+ years in the Education Mountain; present Principal of CAP-DE-VILLE Primary School, Pt Fortin

?CURT PASCAL~ Business Owner serving 35+ years; actively helps Community of Point Fortin

?RUTH SMALL~ Owner, Ferndean's Children's Home; serving the Community of Pt Fortin 20+ years.


CONGRATULATIONS to COUVA HOUSE OF PRAYER HEROES AWARDEES: Celebrating Our Local Community Heroes? Happy 57th Independence??

?Mr Harry Ramsingh~ Owner of Pt Lisas Steel Products; Serving 40+ years in the Hardwarde Business?

?Mr Neil Diaz~ Owner of OMG FITNESS CENTER; Serving 35+ years in the Health & Fitness Business?


 HONORING GOD & Celebrating People? FYZABAD HOUSE OF PRAYER HEROES AWARD? Celebrating Our Local Community Heroes. CONGRATULATIONS Happy 57th Independence T&T????

?Denise John Boldwin; A Welfare Officer serving the Fyzabad Community for the past 20 years. Ministry of Works and Transport. President of the Fyzabad Community Council. Member of Quarter's United and Fyzabad Police Service.

?Denise Yuan; Owner of Yuan Grocery serving the Community as an Entrepreneur for the past 30 years; providing to many charitable events

?Darryl Coolman; owner Darryl's Bar-b-Que & Restaurant serving the Fyzabad Community as an Entrepreneur for the past 14 years


May God Bless Our Nation??





We Are Praying For Trinidad & Tobago

Port of Point Lisas


Do you have a Prayer Venue in mind, contact us today, we will love to hear from you. Pray For The Nation


Join our Apostolic & Prophet Network of Intercessors today, and partner with a family that loves the Lord, loves our Nation and loves to pray.

Join Our Prayer Network 



Parliament Trinidad & Tobago



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